The Daughter of Guidance:Sayyidah Amina Haidar al-Sadr

The Daughter of Guidance : Sayyidah Amina Haidar al-Sadr

Sayyidah Amina Haidar al-Sadr, may Allah be pleased with her, dedicated her life in combating the material and secular influence that are the core of modern society. Yes, she spoke out against Saddam, but Saddam was one dictator. The larger fight—the global struggle—is against the forces of arrogance and oppression in the world. Like her brother, Shahid Mohammad Baqir as-Sadr, Amina as-Sadr sought to curb the influence of Western colonization and imperial endeavours in the Islamic world.

Amina Haidar Al-Sadr—known as Bint Al-Huda (the daughter of Guidance)—was a mujahidah. With the power of her ideas, her creativity, and her sharp intellect, she tackled the tyrants of imperialism and combated the moral bankruptcy of modernity. Her jihad was in an intellectual jihad. A battle between two sets of ideals: one worldly and materialistic, the other divine and transcendent. It was throughout the course of this struggle that she achieved martyrdom – of course, with help and guidance and of her brothers Sayyid Ismail Alsadr and Ayotallah Sayyid Mohammad Baqir Alsadr.

Bint al-Huda possessed a keen insight beyond her years. An insight that allowed her to perceive the damaging impact that was being inflicted upon the Islamic nations—specifically through the objectification and subjugation of women. Like Shahid as-Sadr, she was a prolific writer from a very young age. Her stories were written with simple language, but tackled complex ideals and morality on a societal level. With the power of her pen, she presented a healthier, wholesome, nurturing conception of women and their role in building and safeguarding a harmonious society. Before long, her writings became lanterns of light that illuminated the way forward for Muslim women.

Sadly, Amina Bint al-Huda was unable to complete her work. The oppressive Pharoah of the Baathist regime was well aware of the as-Sadr’s struggle for the sake of Islam. In April 1980, Saddam’s forces arrested Bint Al Huda and her brother Sayyid Mohammad Baqir as-Sadr. What ensued was 3 days of unimaginable torture and cruelty before they were martyred.

To God we belong and God we shall return!

1 thought on “The Daughter of Guidance:Sayyidah Amina Haidar al-Sadr

  1. May the Blessings of Allah be with her the day she was born, the day she was martyred and the day she shall rise by the grace of her Lord, triumphant.


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